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Bernadette Glass

Bernadette Glass portrait

Specialising in education and training to support the human services sector

Bernadette Glass, Director at BG&A, has worked in the human services arena for 40 years – in the health, family, youth and housing support sectors and more recently in the aged care industry.

In the late 1990s, after gaining inspiration, practice and support from St Luke’s in Bendigo, she commenced training and consultation, presenting The Strengths Approach throughout the human services and early childhood education sector. Today Bernadette also works as a registered nurse in Aged Care.

Bernadette moves to where her work takes her – across Australia and to New Zealand. What inspires Bernadette today is our innate knowing that the quality of our relationships is what truly makes a difference in our work. It inspires the changes sought by our clients and the carers who support them.

A large component of Bernadette’s service has taken place in the Early Childhood Intervention sector (ECIS). She has worked with allied health workers and others to understand and develop the processes and skills involved in supporting families with children with a developmental delay or diagnosis of disability. Bernadette has consulted with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in producing Strengths-based resources in Victoria.

Years Expereince
cups of peppermint tea
Strengths based approach Training
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Strengths based approach Training

The Strengths-based Approach is inherently a Person Centred Approach. It offers a way to work with clients and colleagues alike that honours each person’s equality and capabilities. When we understand that at our foundation we are ‘enough’ we are then able to focus on our strengths rather than the perceived deficits in both ourselves and/or others. The Strengths-based Approach is a powerful way to work that supports both the individual and the organisation equally. Learn about our training here.

Person Centred Practice in Supervision
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Person Centred Practice in Supervision

Supervision is an umbrella term utilised to ensure practitioners are accountable, supported and continue to be up-skilled in line with industry developments. It can be mechanical, or it can be a rich experience in which we learn, grow and deepen our understanding of both ourselves and others. When the Supervision process parallels the work we do with clients and is person-centred then everyone is enriched and the organisation grows its capacity to offer the quality of service for which it is funded.

Articles on Health and Human Services
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Articles on Health and Human Services

Our blog page is your hub for regular community input and articles from people in the Health and Human Services Industry, all of who have much to offer us all by way of their practice experience, leadership, history and management. The articles here cover topics from Aged Care to Early Childhood Services and more. When it comes to people and care, we can all be inspired by the enormous capacity we each have in offering true care, and in understanding what gets in the way of that.

What people say

“Strengths based practice has been a fundamental influence in my work in a range of social justice and leadership roles. Bernadette’s support and guidance through supervision has been invaluable in maintaining focus, clarity of purpose and accountability, and honouring self and others.”

Eileen Brownless

Bernadette Glass can tailor her training to your organisation

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